- <System name="OnlineVotingSystem">
- <Function name="castVote">
- <Input type="arg">
- <Var name="voterId">
- <!-- Unique identifier for the voter -->
- </Var>
- <Var name="candidateId">
- <!-- ID of the candidate being voted for -->
- </Var>
- <Var name="voteTimestamp">
- <!-- Timestamp when the vote is cast -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <Var name="votingPeriod">
- <!-- Current voting period (start and end times) -->
- </Var>
- <Var name="eligibilityStatus">
- <!-- Whether the voter is eligible to vote -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- </Function>
- <Function name="validateVote">
- <Input type="arg">
- <Var name="voterId">
- <!-- Unique identifier for the voter -->
- </Var>
- <Var name="candidateId">
- <!-- ID of the candidate the vote is being cast for -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <Var name="votingEligibility">
- <!-- Whether the voter is eligible to vote (e.g., based on age, region, etc.) -->
- </Var>
- <Var name="votingPeriod">
- <!-- Current voting period (start and end times) -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- </Function>
- <Function name="countVotes">
- <Input type="arg">
- <Var name="electionId">
- <!-- ID of the election being counted -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <Var name="voteData">
- <!-- The collected votes data from the system -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- </Function>
- <Function name="verifyVoterIdentity">
- <Input type="arg">
- <Var name="voterId">
- <!-- Unique identifier for the voter -->
- </Var>
- <Var name="voterCredentials">
- <!-- Credentials or authentication data of the voter -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <Var name="authenticationServiceStatus">
- <!-- Status of the authentication service used for verification -->
- </Var>
- </Input>
- </Function>
- </System>
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