- <System name="OnlineVotingSystem">
- <Function name="registerUser">
- <Input type="arg">
- <!-- User registration requires input arguments like name, email, etc. -->
- <Var name="username"/>
- <Var name="email"/>
- <Var name="password"/>
- <Var name="address"/>
- ...
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <!-- Environment variables for user registration, e.g., session state or authentication status -->
- <Var name="userSession"/>
- <Var name="userRole"/>
- <Var name="captchaResponse"/>
- </Input>
- <Output>
- <Var name="registrationStatus"/>
- <Var name="errorMessage"/>
- </Output>
- </Function>
- <Function name="vote">
- <Input type="arg">
- <!-- Voting input, such as user ID, candidate ID, and election ID -->
- <Var name="userId"/>
- <Var name="candidateId"/>
- <Var name="electionId"/>
- <Var name="voteTimestamp"/>
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <!-- Environment variables for vote, such as session or authentication state -->
- <Var name="userSession"/>
- <Var name="isLoggedIn"/>
- </Input>
- <Output>
- <Var name="voteStatus"/>
- <Var name="errorMessage"/>
- </Output>
- </Function>
- <Function name="viewResults">
- <Input type="arg">
- <!-- Input for viewing election results by election ID -->
- <Var name="electionId"/>
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <!-- Environment variable for checking the user's role (admin, voter, etc.) -->
- <Var name="userRole"/>
- </Input>
- <Output>
- <Var name="electionResults"/>
- <Var name="errorMessage"/>
- </Output>
- </Function>
- <Function name="login">
- <Input type="arg">
- <!-- Login requires credentials input -->
- <Var name="username"/>
- <Var name="password"/>
- </Input>
- <Input type="env">
- <!-- Environment variables for login state -->
- <Var name="userSession"/>
- <Var name="isLoggedIn"/>
- </Input>
- <Output>
- <Var name="loginStatus"/>
- <Var name="errorMessage"/>
- </Output>
- </Function>
- <Function name="logout">
- <Input type="env">
- <!-- Environment variable for logging out (session state, etc.) -->
- <Var name="userSession"/>
- </Input>
- <Output>
- <Var name="logoutStatus"/>
- </Output>
- </Function>
- <!-- Other system components -->
- <Candidates>
- <Candidate id="1">
- <Name>John Doe</Name>
- <Party>Party A</Party>
- <Position>President</Position>
- </Candidate>
- <Candidate id="2">
- <Name>Jane Smith</Name>
- <Party>Party B</Party>
- <Position>President</Position>
- </Candidate>
- <!-- Add more candidates as needed -->
- </Candidates>
- <Elections>
- <Election id="2025_President">
- <ElectionName>2025 Presidential Election</ElectionName>
- <StartDate>2025-11-01</StartDate>
- <EndDate>2025-11-15</EndDate>
- </Election>
- </Elections>
- </System>
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